2503 Belair Drive
Bowie, MD 20715
Getting Situated
You can check out a map for directions under our contact us tab before you head out on Sunday morning. Once you get here you'll find plenty of parking, including handicapped spaces in front of the church. The building is fully wheel-chair accessible. There is a coat rack right inside the door and restrooms in the hallway to the left as you enter. Ushers in the Narthex (lobby) will give you a bulletin, gladly answers any questions you have, find you a seat, and help you if you need assistance getting in the building.
What should I wear?
God accepts us as we are - no matter who we are, what we do, or how we dress. We do not have a dress code. Worshippers at Grace wear anything from jeans and t-shirts, to slacks and golf shirts, to suits and ties. Please wear whatever you feel is most comfortable for you in this setting.
What about the kids?
We encourage children of all ages to remain in worship.. They make a joyful noise when they are with us.
What about offering?
During the service we will collect an offering. During this time members contribute to the ministries of grace Lutheran. We do not expect visitors to give an offering during this time unless you feel moved to do so.
Will I be able to follow along with the service?
Basically, everything you need in order to follow the service is in the bulletin. There's no need to juggle multiple books and papers - even the hymns are included. LARGE-PRINT versions of the bulletin are also available.
Can I take Communion, and how does it work?
On the first and third Sundays of the month and all major festivals of the church year, all who are baptized are welcome to receive Holy Communion. This gift is itself the real presence of God's forgiveness and mercy.
After the sermon and the offering, ushers will indicate when it's your row's turn to approach the altar. If you choose to participate, join the line in the center aisle, and when you come forward you can pick up an empty plastic glass or grape juice from a tray located on both sides of the center aisle. The pastor or assisting minister will hand you bread and say "The body of Christ, given for you." You may say Amen. Next you are offered wine, poured into the individual cup that you picked up at the front of the aisle. With the wine or the grape juice, the assistant will say "The blood of Christ, shed for you." Place the used cup in the basket, and return to your seat via the side aisle.
If you wish to take communion but are unable to walk to the front of the church, just notify the usher, and the pastor will bring bread and wine/grape juice to you.
When do I know worship is over?
After the worship service has concluded you are invited to join us for a time of fellowship in the fellowship hall. All are invited to come and greet people of Grace to get to know the community. On your way to the fellowship hall the pastor and people of Grace will greet you and answer any questions that you may have about the worship service or the community. During the school year, following a time of fellowship there is an opportunity for people of all ages to continue to study God's word by attending a Sunday school class.