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About us


Welcome to the faith community at Grace Lutheran Church!


Our mission is rooted in Jesus Christ, who died and was raised from the dead to give us hope of life with God.  We are committed to sharing Jesus with others through prayer, scripture reading, study, worship, service, and living generously.  We gather together to worship God, to be renewed by the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, and to hear God's word for our lives today.  As a community we live out our baptismal covenant as we live out our mission.


At Grace, we are part of a larger body of Lutherans in the Metropolitan Washington D.C. Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. (ELCA).  The ELCA has a variety of ministries whereby we live out their mission, "God's work, Our Hands."


What we believe:

Lutherans are inspired by the Bible and Martin Luther's teachings, including the following beliefs: 


  • We are simultaneously saint and sinner.  We do God's work in the world but are not free from sin.

  • We freely receive God's grace.  Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected from the dead so that we may be free from the penalty of our sins.

  • We believe that you cannot earn salvation through good works.  Our good works are done in response to God's graciousness towards us, especially in giving his Son as the ultimate sacrifice for us.

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